RCA Architecture Master’s student Simon Moxey hired me to make a watch for his show. The catch was, this would be no ordinary watch. It was to tell the time in microseconds, display stock market indexes, indicate increase and decrease in stock value and show international time zones. I advised him on hardware and then programmed it, and he created the casing.
The watch was an artefact from a fictional future in which the stock exchange is moved from London to Slough. Simon was proposing a scenario whereby the financial sector existed apart from the cultural and historical burden of the City of London. How would Slough adapt if the town’s main cultural entity was the stock exchange?
I’ve just taken down the Image Threads installation that I described in my last post. It wasn’t a fabulous success, but it was enough to give me some reflections on two issues:
I’ll start on an up-note. While the contributions to the installation were very limited in number, those that did come up towards the end of the installation period were quite interesting in terms of how people made use of the medium. While the system was designed to replicate the topic-threads of web-based image boards, the realisation of the system in a three-dimensional environment led to three-dimensional, cross-thread references.