[su_tabs] [su_tab title=“Cart”] https://zoy.neocities.org/pico-8/landscape.html Click on the applet to operate it. Then you have two buttons you can use: Z to regenerate X to change colours [/su_tab]
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This is a quick little Pico-8 cart that I made in an hour or two, in response to the prompt to make and photograph a miniature landscape. It’s also partly a response to Chris Kohler’s report from CEDEC about Nintendo’s triangle-based landscape design in Breath of the Wild, which Robert Yang elaborated upon.
Pompous? Empowered? Overwhelmed? The “psychological” bit of the assignment name threw me slightly - even after I was happy with the images I’d made, I was looking at them wondering exactly what sort of psychological state they are meant to be in.
[gallery type=“rectangular” columns=“2” size=“medium” link=“none” ids=“2695,2694”]
This assignment comes from Sarah Urist Green and PBS Digital’s The Art Assignment - a series that began in 2014, and has now given 60 assignments for people to try out and publish on social media.
This video was taken while walking with my girlfriend through Hebden Bridge: every time there was a choice of directions to walk in, she chose the quietest path. The quietest place we reached was the hillside where I took the panning shot, but in the video they all sound equally quiet, which is interesting to me. I suspect that this is because the microphone in my phone was automatically recalibrating to create a consistent level of sound.
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[gallery type=“rectangular” size=“large” link=“file” ids=“2769,2768,2770,2767”]
These are photos of a party balloon with an LED inside, taken in the reflection of a broken tablet. I was trying last year to get some photos of this type of balloon that take advantage of how cosmic it looks - it turns out the effect of the black mirror was exactly what I needed.
[gallery type=“rectangular” columns=“2” size=“medium” link=“none” ids=“2695,2694”]
[su_tabs][su_tab title=“Instagram”]
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[gallery type=“rectangular” columns=“2” size=“medium” link=“none” ids=“2695,2694”]
This assignment comes from Sarah Urist Green and PBS Digital’s The Art Assignment - a series that began in 2014, and has now given 60 assignments for people to try out and publish on social media. Each assignment is created by a different featured artist - this one was by visual artist Toyin Odutola.
[su_tabs][su_tab title=“Instagram”] www.instagram.com/p/BUfrcyv… [/su_tab][su_tab title=“Youtube”] www.youtube.com/watch [/su_tab][su_tab title=“Map”] [/su_tab][/su_tabs]
[gallery type=“rectangular” columns=“2” size=“medium” link=“none” ids=“2695,2694”]
This assignment comes from Sarah Urist Green and PBS Digital’s The Art Assignment - a series that began in 2014, and has now given 60 assignments for people to try out and publish on social media. Each assignment is created by a different featured artist - this one was by Douglas Paulson, and Christopher Robbins of the brilliant Ghana ThinkTank.
[su_tabs][su_tab title=“Instagram”] www.instagram.com/p/BUMr9vT… [/su_tab][su_tab title=“Twitter”] twitter.com/zoyander/… [/su_tab][/su_tabs]
[gallery type=“rectangular” columns=“2” size=“medium” link=“none” ids=“2695,2694”]
This assignment comes from Sarah Urist Green and PBS Digital’s The Art Assignment - a series that began in 2014, and has now given 60 assignments for people to try out and publish on social media. Each assignment is created by a different featured artist - this one was by Deb Sokolow, a Chicago-based artist who uses sleuthy observation and massive diagrams.