Cis Penance is going to be displayed at Now Play This, definitely one of my favourite festivals! Details below.
6 April - 14 April 2024 (excluding Monday 8 April)
Somerset House New Wing and River Terrace
General Admission: £9 / Concessions: £6.50 / Family Ticket: £26 (Two adults and up to three children)
Events: daytime events free as part of general admission, ticketed evening events £6 each
Festival Pass: £30
London’s leading festival of innovative and experimental games, Now Play This, returns to Somerset House to celebrate its tenth anniversary as part of the city-wide London Games Festival. Featuring hit games from indie and big-name studios from across the globe, Now Play This explores how play can bridge the gap between generations, geographies and languages under a new theme, Liminal: Playing Between Worlds. Alongside a packed programme of daily events, the eight-day festival includes live play activities, screenings and a variety of family sessions over the Easter holidays, sparking playful encounters and deep conversations.