I got a big rejection today - of course, it’s part of the work, but this one in particular has me ruminating on what space I’m trying to carve out in the world. I keep coming back to my thoughts on the need for interactive, online, live art made by and for queer, disabled people. I wrote about this last year, and it’s as true as ever.
I feel drawn to make work that serves those of us at these intersections, and that addresses the need for a flourishing online arts and culture sector. It was briefly possible for us to access more arts and culture when events moved online during lockdown. The rush to return to normal has in some ways felt like an evacuation of the online sphere. This has been all the more disheartening because it is happening at the same time as a bunch of other profoundly depressing technoculture trends..."
The full post is on the Intrapology Patreon, but it’s not paywalled: I/we need queer disabled online art.